Wednesday 3 August 2011

Help Me Understand

Sometimes I’m really amazed at how the human mind works. As soon as a crisis or natural disaster hits a country we are so quick to offer assistance yet we fail to assist our own people who are suffering just as much.

Fundraising concerts are organized with artists even agreeing to perform for free just so they can build a house and send a food parcel to Hung-Tung in China. What about Sipho, who you drive past everyday at the traffic lights, who hasn’t eaten in days? Or Maria whose shack leaks every time it rains? And what about Kobus who sleeps under a bridge and forages for food in the nearest dustbin? Surely their welfare should be considered a priority before even glancing in Hung-Tung’s direction.

How does this even make sense? What the hell happened to charity beginning at home? I really am baffled.

1 comment:

  1. One would say its mental oppression still overpowering us even after democracy but then again, whites also participate. I think its an act of self-loathing embedded in our subconscious minds and its going to take forever for the process of cultivation to reign with the culture of mediocrity, idiocy and hatred among one another still at bay.after democracy but then again, whites also participate. I think its an act of self-loathing embedded in our subconscious minds and its going to take forever for the process of cultivation to reign with the culture of mediocrity, idiocy and hatred among one another still at bay.
